TIREDLEGS, A COMMON PROBLEM, Affects one out of every two people!

  • Tired Legs has become a very common problem in India. Today one out of every two people that we come across on a daily basis has this Tired Legs Syndrome. Tired/Aching leg syndrome also known as restless leg syndrome is an unpleasant sensations in the legs, a feeling of a discomfort, due to prolong hours of sitting/standing/traveling cause due to poor circulation in the legs
  • Leg problems are widespread throughout the world, but what most people don’t know is that approximately 90% of leg disorders originate within the veins. If you have tired, aching, swollen legs, or if you see the beginning of varicose veins, this means that you are at a risk. Vein problems can progressively worsen over time and can affect your health for the rest of your life. Much can be done to decrease the risk of developing venous disorders.

Screening with Plethysmograph

  • GHF regularly conducts Venous insufficiency sessions , free screening is  be  done with  a device called as Plethysmography (PG). PG is a non-invasive medical test that measures the venous influx and outflow in the leg veins ,wherein a sensor is placed on the calf muscle of any individual leg for subsequent reading of blood circulation and volume.
  • A report is then generated by the machine which is then evaluated by comparing with standard values ,thus helping to recognize early symptoms of venous Insufficiency which are often dismissed as Tired and Aching legs. This is only screening and it does not substitute for medical advice. We are only sensitizing the individuals  to recognize their problem of Tired / Aching Legs and guiding them to take necessary precautions at early stages to prevent further deterioration. Also simple exercises are demonstrated for their leg wellness.

Flow of Event

  • Duration: 1 Day (Depends on the strength)
  • Requirement: 1 room for screening
  • Audio-video presentation for 30 to 45 mins by medical fraternity
  • Screening done –  per person appx 2 mins
  • Screening with the Plethysmograph machine to check their Venous Insufficiency Levels.
  • Non-invasive Test
  • Evaluation of reports through counselling by our  Medical   co-ordinator


wdt_IDName of SegmentTotal ProgramTotal People AttendedTotal ScreenedNormalAffected
1 Gurudakshina 63 3220 3185 749 2436
2 Community 80 3026 2842 652 2190
3 Health@Work 81 5759 5390 1426 3964
4 Medcare 25 1110 1057 304 753
5 Second Innings 1 39 12 9 3