Abnormal Spinal Curvature - Scoliosis

Catch That Curve

Scoliosis is not a disease but it  is a disorder that causes an abnormal  lateral curvature of the spine, or backbone and the most common regions are the thoracic spinal curve and the lumbar spinal curve

People with scoliosis develop additional curves to either side, and the bones of the spine twist on each other, forming a “C” or an “S” shape in the spine.

Do you or your child suffer from Scoliosis, or curved spine?

According to the National Health Service (NHS), UK, in 80% of cases there is no known cause – it is idiopathic.

  • Gender – Scoliosis is about two times more common in girls than boys because girls begin their adolescent growth spurt and reach skeletal maturity earlier than boys
  • Age – It can be seen at any age, but it is most common in those over 10 years of age.
  • Genetics – Scoliosis is hereditary in that people with scoliosis are more likely to have children with scoliosis; however, there is no correlation between the severity of the curve from one generation to the next.

Causes and Types of Scoliosis

  • Idiopathic scoliosis(unknown cause) – in about 80% of cases the cause is unknown. Idiopathic scoliosis may appear at any age but most often appears in early adolescence. At this age, young people are reluctant to allow their bodies to be seen by parents and other adults, and the problem may not be detected until it is quite severe and this  is far more prevalent in India , which has various culture and social inhibition.
  • Neuromuscular conditions –   these are conditions that affect the nerves and muscles. About 20% of scoliosis cases are caused by neuromuscular conditions, such as  cerebral palsy or muscular dystrophy . In such cases the child may not be able to walk to stay upright, further preventing the spins from growing properly.
  • Congenital scoliosis – Caused by a bone abnormality present at birth.
  • Genes –  Caused due to genetic diseases like Marfan’s syndrome or Down Syndrome .
  • Leg length – if one leg is longer than the other the individual may develop scoliosis.
  • Other causes – bad posture, using backpacks or satchels, and exercise may also cause scoliosis.

Endorsing school screening programs to detect scoliosis curves before they may become advanced and more difficult to treat has become essential under the guidance of healthcare professionals.

Signs and Symptoms Of Scoliosis In Children

  • Shoulders may not be of the same height (one is higher than the other)
  • Head is not centered directly above the pelvis
  • Ribcage is not symmetrical; ribs may be at different heights
  • A shoulder blade is higher and more prominent than the other
  • One hip is more prominent than the other
  • Clothes do not hang properly
  • The individual may lean to one side
  • Uneven leg lengths
  • Neck and back pain
  • Difficulty breathing (in severe cases)
  • In the vast majority of cases scoliosis is not painful.

What if Scoliosis remains Undiagnosed?

Scoliosis can increases the severity of spinal curvature

How Is Scoliosis Diagnosed?

Most scoliosis curves are initially detected on school screening exams, by a child’s pediatrician or family doctor, or by a parent.

Spinal Screening Test

The scoliosis screening test or The Adam’s Forward Bend Test is really fast and simple to do. The child stands in front of the screener and bends over at the waist, like they are trying to touch their toes. The child should bend forward as much as possible. The screener then stands eye level with the child’s back. The screener will look to see if there are any abnormal curvatures in the spine or whether one side or hip is higher than the other.


Scoliometer is an instrument that is used to estimate the amount of curve in a person’s spine. It may be used as a tool during screening or as follow-up for scoliosis, a deformity in which the spine curves abnormally.

A scoliometer is similar to a level and is placed across the back at the peak (apex) of the curve. The amount of tilt in the back is estimated in degrees.

By Installing  Scoliometer App on your mobile will be  much  quicker, portable and easier mode for detecting the abnormal curvature of spine and can be repeated at home as desire  to determine the progression of scoliosis.

Radiological Investigation

The diagnosis of scoliosis and the determination of the type of scoliosis are then made by a careful bone exam and an X-ray to evaluate the magnitude of the curve.

  • Mild Scoliosis: Curvature of less than 20 degrees
  • Moderate Scoliosis: Curvature of 25-70 degrees
  • SevereScoliosis: Curvature of more than 70 degrees
  • VerySevere Scoliosis: Curvature of more than 100 degrees
Conventional Method

Avoid taking repetitive X ray ,instead its better to click photographs with your mobile phone  and store it on your computer or laptop for your reference to detect progression of asymmetry of spinal curve.

Preventive Measures
  • Avoid activities that require overexertion on only one side of the body.
  • Exercise the back muscles.
  • Improve your posture.
  • Acquire proper vitamins and minerals.


Depending on the severity , location  of the curve and the risk for it getting worse, scoliosis can be treated with

  • Observation and Conventional treatment option.
  • Back Bracing in children to arrest progression without time loss
  • Surgery , as final option in severe cases.

If left untreated Scoliosis can give rise to problems in Heart, Lung, Nerve and other organs of the body.