01 Jun
  • By Goodhealth Foundation
  • Cause in

Selfie Elbow & Whatsapp Neck !

We orthopedic surgeons are used to treating tennis elbow, a condition caused by overuse of muscles. The muscle group which extends our wrist originates from a point on the outer aspect of our elbow. Repeated overuse of these muscles can cause soreness on that point. Simple task like pouring water from a bottle become painful. […]

29 Mar
  • By Goodhealth Foundation
  • Cause in

Good Sleep Is Necessary for a Healthy Back

We spend about 25% of life sleeping. So maintaining good posture is not important while sitting or standing only, but during sleep also. The only time during which the muscles, ligaments, and other structures in the spine can completely relax is while sleeping. And when a person suffers from a back injury or disorder, it’s […]