07 Sep
  • By Goodhealth Foundation
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PASSION by Shikha Agarwal

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Passion is a very beautiful word, a word that I strongly resonate to nowadays. Passion is what keeps you awake at night, thinking about your dream. Passion is what wakes you up early in the morning, helping you take a step closer to your dream. Passion is this flame inside you, igniting your soul with a thirst that even water cannot quench. But passion and will-power go hand in hand. You need guts, a lot of self-talk and a good amount of will power to pursue your passion. And of course, patience. Patience is the key here. You have to be patient and allow the flame within to grow strong for you to follow it.  And when that flame has been ignited and burning within, then you have to buckle up and dive into that flame wholeheartedly, like a charioteer and move ahead.
When you’re passionate enough to dive in, the Universe pushes you and makes sure you enter the realm of magic, where the law of attraction and manifestation reside, fulfilling every wish of yours thrown its way.

But when passion is missing, you will not be able to enter this realm of magic and that’s the reason at times we feel that manifestation doesn’t work for us.
For manifestation to work on each and every level and for the magic to take place, we must be sure that we are passionate about the thing we want the most. And before we enter the magical realm, we have to go through stages of self-doubt, willingness and laziness.
A few years ago, while I was studying for my diploma in Past Life Regression studies, and in the very first module itself, a family friend was going through this severe pain in his hands and there was excruciating pain in his fingers whenever he would bend his fingers. And, when the fingers would bend, it would be difficult for him to lift them up and at times they woud even get stuck and he would have to go to the doctor for a steroid shot. He had completely lost all grip on his hands and for a man his size and age, it was really sad. He was a strong man, very fit and healthy, but due to his hand issue, he was unable to even hold a pen in his hand. His fingers were so bad that he couldn’t even sign papers and there were these thick nodes that had started to appear on his palms, and the doctors had recommended surgery to him.
So when my mother told me about his issue and asked me if I could help him, I refused. I had just started my studies and wasn’t even confident about taking a client at that time. My mother kept asking me and I kept refusing, telling her that I still had two years to go to become a certified therapist and maybe then I’d see him, when I complete my studies. This was an excuse I kept giving her and myself because from inside I was terrified. I was afraid that what if the therapy doesn’t go well and what if he judges me, what if I’m not good enough, what if I fail. And since he is a family friend, what if he spreads the word around that I don’t know my work. This went on for a month, and somehow my mother and uncle persisted that I at least try.
Then one night, I said to myself, “This person has been asking me to help him since over two months. There definitely must be a reason that he’s so strongly in my space. Maybe the Universe has a plan for me and that maybe I should at least try (since he would be my very first client). So I had a chat with the Universe that night before going to bed and made my intentions very clear – That I would try my best and if he has to heal, the Universe will decide. I will take that step and try and the rest is up to God. I will do my part at least because he was so persistent and kept on asking for help.
So after a week, when I finally had the courage, I invited him over to my house for a session. I could tell that both of us were trembling from inside, me because of the nervousness and lack of confidence and him, because he was scared to death! So we both sat down, I gave him a few ground rules and we started the session and went way back into his past. Two hours later, he woke up with a splitting headache and lost his appetite. That night he didn’t sleep at all and was very restless.
I went on this massive guilt trip that had I really healed him or driven him mad! For a few days, I didn’t hear from him and I just let it pass. Then after a week, he calls me up and tells me that the pain had completely vanished, and so had those nodes. He could finally hold a pen in hand and his grip was coming back. The next day he went to the doctor for a check-up and the doctor was shocked to see that the nodes had disappeared and called the surgery off, telling him he was completely fine.
I think I was happier than him that day. I thanked the Universe and myself for taking that one step. If I’d let the fear sink in, I would have never taken that step and dwelled into the realm of magic.
It’s perfectly safe to come out of your comfort zone and dive into that crazy zone of nervousness, where you feel you’re almost about to die. But take that deep breath and swim up. Only when you swim up, you start swimming into that realm of magic.
There are 6 STAGES that I feel one goes through before entering the Magic Realm
1] Thought
This is where you get the thought, the idea about what you want to pursue and you take a few baby steps towards it.
2] Self Doubt, Trust issues, Self Beat
This is when in the middle of those steps, you get these feelings of whether its worth continuing and all the self- doubt issues come up. Whether you should give up or move ahead regarding that path.
3] Step out of comfort zone and into Nervous zone
This is that split moment, whether you want to stay in your comfort zone or take the risk and dive deep in. The big moment of Choice.
4] About to Sink zone
This is the moment where you’ve chosen to dive into those deep waters, and as you dive in, you’re slowly sinking in, deep into those waters and you’re unable to breathe.
5] Swim zone
And as you’re sinking deeper and deeper, finally there’s a moment where you suddenly start to push those legs of yours and start to swim upwards towards the light.
6] Realm of Magic
And as you swim upwards towards the light, you start to realise that this light is way brighter than the light you were in before. It has a certain spark to it, a certain magical feel about it and this place just feels RIGHT! This is where you belong. This is YOUR MAGIC!
So what is stopping you from entering your magical zone ??

AUTHOR: Shikha Agarwal

Tel: +91.9820080195 ; Email: a.shikhs@yahoo.com

  • Shikha Agarwal is a transpersonal past life regression therapist, family constellation practitioner, and crystal healer.
  • Studied with Dr Brian Weiss and the Tasso Institute, Germany.
  • Helps heal mental and physical illnesses from the body and release karmic baggage.