26 Aug
  • By Goodhealth Foundation
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Youngsters Battling Stigma Due to Obesity Have a Solution Now, Says Renowned Bariatric Surgeon Dr Manish Motwani

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‘You must lose weight!’ is the constant retort Supriya Mehta a 24 year old banking professional, has heard since childhood from her mother, close friends  and  well wishers. They all meant well but its hard for them to understand the emotional trauma Supriya would undergo.

The mental harassment and anxiety over being obese does not end with getting bullied in school or teased by friends. The ordeal continues into adolescence and adulthood.

Desperate to lose weight, Supriya had tried every method available in the market from weight loss pills to slimming centers to diet plans, not knowing that several of these options produce only short-term results, and several of these products are fraudulent. And her quest to lose weight over long term was unsuccessful with these options. Weight would drop for a while and come then come back with vengeance.

As a youngster approaching marriageable age, Supriya always suffered from the fear of rejection and insecurity that she may not find a suitable alliance. While such anxiety might seem strange to a normal weight person, it is a very real and overwhelming emotional experience for a person living with Obesity.

“Although much discussions in recent times have been about Obesity being associated with increased risk of several physical health disorders such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, sleep apnoea and thyroid amongst others; what is not spoken much of, is the mental and psychological impact of Obesity which is especially significant amongst youngsters. Keeping this in mind we have uploaded free education videos on You Tube called knoweldge capsules (embed url here in the k.c. phrase) to benefit everyone”, says Dr Manish Motwani, a renowned Bariatric and Metabolic Surgeon who is the Director of Aastha Healthcare (embed url here in the ahc phrase),  one of the Top Bariatric Centers in Mumbai.

For the patients unable to stay slim over long term with non-surgical weight loss regimes, the only effective method is Bariatric Surgery which is also called sometimes as Metabolic Surgery.

“Bariatric Surgery is a scientifically proven, tried and tested alternate method to treat obesity and its co-morbidities with sustained weight loss over long term” says Dr Manish who has so far successfully treated a large number of morbidly obese patients from Mumbai, various parts of India, and abroad.

The impact of Bariatric surgery becomes apparent within the first few weeks of surgery and positive results are long term.

The procedure is performed by laparoscopic approach which involves small miniature incisions in comparison with one large incision of an open surgery. As a result, there will be no major scars of incisions, almost no pain, quicker recovery and much less chances of infection.

The success of a surgery and the patient’s experience depends on the expertise and skill of the surgeon. It is therefore necessary that one approaches a top Bariatric Centre with vast experience in performing laparoscopic surgeries.

Supriya who underwent Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy, a type of Bariatric Surgery that suited her considering her BMI and other parameters as evaluated by Dr Motwani is now a very happy person. “Using the BMI calculator on aasthahealthcare website, I could easily find in less than a second that my BMI was high at 36 before surgery. I was weighing 90 kilos with my height is 162cm. After surgery, my weight loss was substantial in the first few months and then it became gradual. With proper Diet and moderate excercise plan monitored by the friendly Dietician at Aastha, I have lost about 25 kilos and have been maintaining it for the past 3 years” says a beaming Supriya.

“Its a joy to see glowing smiles on my young patients’ faces such as Supriya ‘s when they return  after a year or two post Bariatric Surgery with their newly married status and weight-loss successfully maintained” says Dr Motwani and adds that Bariatric Surgery is really a boon to many youngsters like Supriya who otherwise feel they have been shortchanged by the fate in life.


Dr Manish Motwani
Bariatric Surgeon
‘Aastha Health Care’ and Dr L H Hiranandani Hospital, Mumbai
Cell: +919321350957
Email: obesity@aasthahealthcare.com